US Army Reserve Shooting Teams Alumni Association
USAR Service Pistol Team
USAR Service Pistol OIC's
COL Price
LTC Paul Graziano
LTC Lee McKinney
COL Jack Vincent
LTC George Blair
CW4 Lauren Drees
LTC Michael Campbell
LTC Charles Eagleson
LTC Paul Hansen
MAJ Harry Russell
LTC Alan Toler
CPT Thomas Bourne
LTC David Shultz
LTC Patrick Sleem
MAJ Thomas Bourne
USAR Service Pistol Coach/NCOIC
SFC Bruce Woodford
SFC Melvin Makin
SFC Frank Goza
SSG James Henderson
SSG Brent Lantagne
SFC John Arcularius
SFC John M. Buol Jr.
CSM Steven Slee
SGM George Greene
SFC Brad Griffith
SFC Richard Willis
Current and Former Members of the USAR Service Pistol Team
Robert Abbott
William Rand Albrecht
Gary Allen
Ben Amonette
Robert L. Anderson
Terry Anderson
John Arcularius
Randy Aros
Maurice Baum
Kris Beerman
George Blair
Gale Boehnke
Thomas Bourne
Douglas Brown
John M. Buol Jr.
William Burke
Elizabeth Callahan
Michael Campbell
John Cappellano
Gene Clark
Hubert "Skip" Clark
James Collins
Brent Combs
James Cook
Carl Culbertson
Hubert Denson
David Dewey
Herman Wayne Dick
Lauren Drees
Ross Duckworth
Kimberly Dyer
Charles Eagleson
Joel Eisen
Lance Espinosa
Jon Eulette
Robert Farrell
Fritz Ficke
Philip Fisher
Ruby Fox
Donald Fulmer
Luis Garcia
Paul Garner
Norman Girardin
Donald Girven
William Gough
Frank Goza
Robert Green
George Greene
Kenneth Hall
Paul Hansen
Bill Harden
George Harris
Audrey Hayes
Stan Hayes
James Henderson
Ed Huess
James Hudson
George Hyder
Benjamin Johnson
George Johnsen
David Jones, Sr.
David Jones, Jr.
Robert Kolesar
James Kutzner
Linda Libasci
Richard Lamb
Brent Lantagne
Joe Lechliter
Melvin Makin
Robert Mango
John Mattsson
James McAdams
Robert McIlhaney
Lee B. McKinney
Ray McKnight
Pasquale Melaragno
Lowell Merrill
Dallas Murphy
Philip Neil
Donald Nygord
Michael T. Parker
Sonny Pearman
Roy Plumlee
James Radford
Steven Reiter
Frederic Reynolds
David Richardson
Harvey Riner
Jon Rosene
Herb Rosenbaum
Joshua Rosendorn
Mitch Rosnick
Eugene George Ross
Charles Rummery
Harry Russell
Keith Sanderson
Jason Sargent
Roy D. Seal
Mark Shearer
Patrick Sleem
Kyle Smith
Larry Smith
Stephen Spencer
George Starkweather
Lloyd Stevens
Robert E. Stoecker
Alan Toler
Charles Topp
Trevor Tremel
Sandra Uptagrafft
Luis Valdez
Pieter Voss
Jack Vincent
Charles E. Wheeler
Donald Wiesehan
Jerry Wilder
Jay Williams
Richard Willoughby
Bruce C. Woodford
Fredrick Wright
Darius R. Young
NRA National Pistol Champions
1979 - SP4 Darius Young, USAR
1989 - SSG Darius Young, USAR
1991 - SFC Steve Reiter, USAR
1993 - SFC Steve Reiter, USAR
1994 - MSG Steve Reiter, USAR
1999 - MSG Steve Reiter, USAR
2000 - MSG Steve Reiter, USAR
President's Pistol Match
1997 - SGT James Henderson, USAR
2000 - MSG Steve Reiter, USAR
2001 - SGT Fritz Ficke, USAR
2002 - SGT James Henderson, USAR
National Trophy Individual Pistol Match
1996 - MSG Robert McIlhaney, USAR
2002 - SGT James Henderson, USAR
National Trophy Team Pistol Match
2001 - USAR (SGT Stanley Hayes, SGT James Henderson, MSG Steve Reiter, MAJ Harry Russell - Team Captain, SFC Melvin Makin - Team Coach)
2002 - USAR (SGT James Henderson, SGT Fritz Ficke, SGT Keith Sanderson, MAJ Alan Toler, Team Captain - MAJ Harry Russell, Team Coach - Frank Goza)
2004 - USAR (SSG James Henderson, SSG Keith Sanderson, SSG Jason Sargent, CW$ Albert Wood)
NRA National 3-Gun Pistol Team Championships
1977 - USAR (Makin, Reiter, Young, Wheeler, Vincent)
1978 - USAR
1979 - USAR
1981 - USAR
1986 - USAR
1987 - USAR
1991 - USAR
1992 - USAR
1995 - USAR
1996 - USAR
1997 - USAR
1998 - USAR
2001 - USAR
2002 - USAR

USAR Pistol Shooters at Camp Perry, OH.

1978 USAR Service Pistol Team, Camp Perry, OH.

1979 USAR Service Pistol Team at Camp Perry, OH.

1981 USAR Service Pistol Team at Camp Perry, OH.

George Blair

Gail Boenke

Gail Boenke - 1990

Pat Melaragno

Don Fulmer

Donald Girven

George Hyder

Skip Clark

George Johnsen & Jim Collins

Lowell Merrill, Donald Fulmer and George Blair.

USAR Service Pistol Team at 2008 Interservice Pistol Championships.
Front Row (kneeling): SFC Albrecht, SGM Carlin, SGT Busse, MSG Dechert, SSG Lantagne�(Team NCOIC), and SSG Buol.
Back Row (standing): SFC Michaels, SFC Radford, LTC Toler�(Team OIC), SSG Rosene, MSG DeMuth.

USAR Service Pistol Team at 2015 Interservice Pistol Championships.

Interservice Pistol Champions
19?? - SGT Frank Goza
1998 - MSG Steve Reiter
1999 - MSG Steve Reiter
2000 - MSG Steve Reiter
2001 - MSG Steve Reiter
Interservice Pistol Team Champions
2000 - USAR (Reiter, Henderson, McIlhaney, Ficke, Williams, Makin, Russell)
"Army Reserve Magazine" article in 2000.
Army Reserve Marksman - USAR Marksmanship Newletter
Know of others that should be listed as a member of the All-USAR Service Pistol Team? Send to webmaster with full name.