US Army Reserve Shooting Teams Alumni Association
USAR Service Rifle Team - 2006
Front row left to right
MSG Gary Valasek, SFC Dwight Barth, 1SG Jack Pardy, Team OIC CW4 Albert “Bryan” Wood, Team NCOIC MSG Doug Morrison, CPT David Cloft, SGT John Arcularius, MSG Mark Bearnson,
Second Row
MAJ Jon B. Casillas, CDT Michael Mann, COL Michael Pollock, SGT Pershing “Darrow” Gervais, SSG Russell Theuer, SSG Mark Ness, MSG Rick Kalina, MSG Michael Carlin
Third row
SFC Rod Burdette, SSG Chris Hansen, MAJ Scott Klawon, SSG Jerry Mullen
Kneeling (left to right): SFC Dwight Barth and CSM Neal Dickey
Standing: SSG Leslie "Duane" Lewis, 1SG Jack Pardy, CDT Curt Freeman, CSM Steve Slee, MAJ Scott Klawon, and SSG Dan Dorosheff,